R&D Engineers or Technical Sourcing groups frequently ask what Accumold does to ensure the components made meet the rigorous quality standards of the medical device industry. But not until my own physical body was on the line, did I fully appreciate the lengths we go to every day.
I have worn glasses my entire life. Without them, I couldn’t recognize my own family members unless they were a few feet away from me. Just over 1 year ago on January 11th that changed. I had been asking my eye surgeon about corrective surgery for years. Even when my vision finally stabilized enough to have the surgery, I was regarded as a “very challenging” case. I was told that I might not have optimal results, but one thing stuck in mind: “to hell with it!” Any improvement was better than what I had. So I went for it.
Laser eye surgery permanently reshapes your cornea, the part of the eye that refracts light and helps you see clearly. The clinic I visited uses the most advanced all-laser surgical equipment on the market. Their tech provides the best vision outcome available with the least discomfort. It also boasts the fastest healing time available.
The surgery was a success, but that’s not where this tale ends.

I came back into the office elated. I begin to tell everyone about how my experience, and stop by our head of sales office, Paul Runyan. Seeing my excitement, he begins asking me some oddly specific questions about the surgery, including what devices and tech I remembered seeing. That’s when I realize the very critical components manufactured a few hundred feet from my office chair were used in my successful procedure. My eyes depended on my team.
It was inspiring to know that for the rest of my life, everything I see will be the result of the incredible work my company did. The great lengths people like David O’Leary, Director of our Quality Assurance, and our DfMM teams go through took on new meaning. I was immediately hit with a wave of gratitude and appreciation for the very people I work next to every day.
Every RFQ, project, and sales call I’ve been involved with since that day has taken on a whole new meaning. Knowing the profound impact my team and I have on the well-being of our community energizes me. Our hard work solutions have affected me and will continue to impact my family and yours.
The components we make impact real lives. When you’re in surgery and your eyesight depends on the very product your company makes, that changes your perspective—in my case quite literally.