Last week, Kim Didier shared the Accumold Scholars story on the Iowa Manufacturing Podcast! Didier is the Executive Director of Des Moines Area Community College’s (DMACC) Business Resources department.
Didier shared the backstory of our student program with show host, Leisa Fox, explaining over half of our tool and die program has been in partnership with DMACC. Students get free tuition at no cost to them, PLUS we give them a part time job to boot.
“Accumold has done a fabulous job with automation. They now are really tapping into our students who are learning automation and other kinds of technological skills that are then serving them well as they continue to expand their use of automation,” said Didier. “They continue to be on the cutting edge of all kinds of manufacturing. Whether it’s additive manufacturing and use of 3d printing to automation.”
Grace Swanson, Vice President of Human Capital, along with CEO Roger Hargens has worked hand-in-hand with DMACC to ensure Accumold attracts and trains the best talent available. “Grace Swanson, who is the VP of human capital for Accumold, talks really really [sic] highly of the automation and the need to tap into those automation students.” said Didier.
Host Lesia Fox echoed the kind words. “I think I’m going to pause for a second and let everyone know what a cool company Accumold is.”
Listen to the full interview »
Photo Courtesy, Leisa Fox. Iowa Manufacturing Podcast